Your dashboard is your quick view into loads of interesting data from your Consignly subscription.
Dashboard widgets
After logging into Consignly, the very first thing you'll see is your dashboard. Your dashboard is pre-loaded with a number of dashboard widgets.
Different dashboard widgets are used to surface up different data sets to your dashboard screen.
An example dashboard
Editing your dashboard
You can modify your dashboard to add new widgets, remove existing widgets, or rearrange the order of the widgets on your dashboard.
You can also edit the widget content themselves, applying filters to change the data that is surfaced up inside the widget.
To start, tap the edit icon in the right-hand side of the shoulder of the Dashboard heading.
This takes the dashboard into edit mode.
Adding widgets
To add widgets to your dashboard, tap the add icon in the right-hand side of the shoulder of the Edit Dashboard heading.
Browse the widget directory and select the widget you want to add to your dashboard by tapping the widget.
Configure the widget by setting the filters of the widget to surface up the data that you'd like to see on your dashboard, and by optionally setting a title for the widget.
Editing and removing a widget
To change the filters being applied to the widget or to rename it, tap the pencil icon in the right-hand shoulder of the widget title.
This allows you to re-configure the widget as required.
To remove the widget, tap the action menu in the right-hand shoulder of the widget title, and choose Remove Widget.
Re-arranging widgets
To re-arrange the widgets on your dashboard, drag and drop the widget from it's current location to a new location on the dashboard. The other widgets will re-arrange to accommodate the dragged widget.
Press the Save Changes button to save the dashboard.
Dragging and dropping a widget.