Organisation Settings allows you to keep details about your organisation up-to-date.
The General card lets you change your organisation name, contact details, organisation domain, and the first day of the week settings.
General settings example
First Day of the Week
Choose which day of the week your organisation uses as it's First Day of the Week.
When using This Week or Last Week quick action buttons in the various calculators, Consignly will work out the appropriate week using the First Day of the Week as a reference.
For example, if your First Day of the Week is set to Sunday, then a week in Consignly is Sunday to Saturday.
e.g. Suppose your First Day of Week was Sunday then storage for the last week would be Sunday - Saturday. If you then change your First Day of Week to Monday, then the next storage charge would be Monday - Sunday, missing the previous Sunday.
Full Pallet Allocation Behaviour
When allocating product to a consignment, Consignly will automatically suggest inventory from your warehouse to fulfil the desired quantity for your consignment.
If your Consignly organisation supports Palletisation, then it's possible that you may have pallets in your warehouse with less than a full pallet worth of product on them.
Consignly offers two options to control how suggested items are allocated to a consignment.
Option 1: Allocate pallet when a less-than-virtual-pallet quantity is selected
Suppose a virtual pallet can hold 4 items of a product on it, but currently has 2 items on it. If a user requests an allocation of 2 items for a consignment, then Consignly will suggest adding the whole pallet of 2 items to the consignment as a Full Pallet pick.
In this case, the pallet information will come with the allocation.
Consignly will allocate the whole pallet to the consignment
Option 2: Allocate as loose items when a less-than-virtual-pallet quantity is selected
Suppose a virtual pallet can hold 4 items of a product on it, but currently has 2 items on it. If a user requests an allocation of 2 items for a consignment, then Consignly will suggest adding the 2 items from that pallet to the consignment as Loose Product picks.
In this case, the pallet information will not come with the allocation, and the user is free to pick this product to a new pallet.
Consignly will allocate the loose items to the consignment
Choose to upload a logo to Consignly. The logo will appear in the organisation switcher to help you identify different organisations that you may have access to.
Logos visible in the organisation switcher
Hazard Standards
The Hazard Standards tab allows you to configure the Hazardous or Dangerous Goods standards that this organisation will support.
Hazard Standards are activated at an organisation level, which then allow you to do two things:
- Nominate the standards that are in-use at a warehouse for storage and for transport; and
- Define the appropriate hazard classification and category for each product SKU that is defined in your organisation
For example, if your organisation operates two warehouses, one in Sydney, Australia and another in Auckland, New Zealand, then your organisation can be configured to support both Australia and New Zealand Standards.
You can nominate a standard used for storage (e.g. NZ GHS 7) and a standard used for transport (e.g. Dangerous Goods 2005).
From there, you are able to configure the Sydney warehouse to support the Australian Standards, and the Auckland warehouse to support the New Zealand standards.
Following that, you are able to configure the classifications on the product SKUs, to make sure the appropriate products are classified correctly for Australia and New Zealand.
Adding a standard
To add a Standard, navigate to the Hazard Standards tab and choose Add Standard.
Select the appropriate standard to add.
Add declaration text and emergency text for the standard. This information will be used when generating the Dangerous Goods documentation for an outwards consignment if the selected standard is nominated as a transport standard for that warehouse.
Example of adding a DG standard to an organisation
The security tab allows you to configure security settings that apply to your organisation.
Organisation Domain
Setting your organisation domain helps Consignly support your security when inviting users to your organisation.
If this is set, Consignly will check when inviting a user to your organisation to see if the email address of the invited user matches this domain. If it doesn't, then Consignly will prompt you to confirm that the user you are inviting is outside your organisation.
Use this prompt to confirm that the user you are inviting is correct, and that the role you are assigning is right.
Prompt if the invited user is outside your domain
MFA Requirement
Enabling the MFA Required setting on your organisation means that every user that accesses your Consignly organisation must have MFA enabled on their account before they can gain access.
The security card in organisation settings
If a user does not have MFA enabled on their user account, they will be asked to configure it first. This includes Warehouse App users and Client Partners that have been invited to your organisation.
The MFA prompt when accessing an organisation with MFA required, where the user hasn't configured MFA yet.