Client Partner rates are governed by Rate Cards in Consignly. A Rate Card can be created for the organisation, so any Client Partners that don't have a rate card defined can fallback to using the organisation rate card.
Additionally, Rate Cards can be created and configured specifically for a Client Partner.
Rate Cards have an effective from date, allowing you to configure a rate card that will come into effect from the date nominated.
Rate Cards are used to define Activity Rates, Freight Rates, and Storage Rates for a Client.
Learn more about Rate Cards in Consignly.
Activity Rates
Activity Rates can be created to target charges against activity that happens on a consignment. Things such as devanning containers, handling product into a warehouse, shrink wrapping, and picking are examples of activity rates.
Freight Rates
Freight Rates support charging freight for bringing product into a warehouse, or dispatching product from a warehouse.
Storage Rates
Storage Rates are created to target charging Client Partners for product that is stored in your warehouse.