Reports in Consignly
Consignly offers a number of pre-built reports that provide specific insights into your Consignly data.
Reports are accessed via the Reports menu item, and offered reports include:
- Carrier Charges
- Client Charges
- Client Settings
- Consignment Metrics
- Consignment Product Details
- Consignment Product Due
- Freight Margin
- Inventory Hazard Summary
- Pick Performance
- Product Transaction Detail
- Stock Age
- Stock Balance
- Stock On Hand
- Stock Position
General workflow to run a report
To run a report, navigate to the report by selecting its name from the list.
A new blade will open and will present you with any criteria options that can be set before running the report.
Common criteria include date ranges.
The Run Report button will run the report to-screen. The Export Report button will generate the report data to a spreadsheet for download.
Report Permissions
Organisation owners can choose which reports are available to users in different roles. Certain reports may be available to client partners if those reports are enabled for a client partner role.
Some reports contain organisation-sensitive data and aren't available to client partners. Learn more about permissions.