Connecting to iCOS Live will automatically push consignments to iCOS Live when they are ready to dispatch, ready to receive or in progress.
How do Consignly and iCOS Live Connect?
In Consignly, there’s a concept of Clients (that your holding goods for), Carriers (that you’re using to transport the goods to your client’s customer), and Consignees (the people you’re delivering your client’s goods to).
The iCOS Live App Connection for Consignly works by monitoring carriers and clients that you’ve configured for integration to iCOS Live. When an outwards consignment has a Carrier and Client combination that matches what you’ve configured in the iCOS Live integration setup, then when the consignment moves into a ‘Ready to Dispatch’ status in Consignly, it will automatically push that information through to your iCOS Live account.
Some notes with the integration:
- The integration can be triggered through two different methods depending on the configuration. The simplest method 'Consignment Status' triggers each time a Consignment is moved to another status. If a carrier isn’t assigned when it moves into that status, then the integration won’t trigger.
- The second trigger option 'Send Updates' will send off updates to iCOS Live any time data is changed on a Consignment.
- Triggers will be set off immediately from Consignly’s end, however it can take a few minutes for the messaging to move through the system and get processed by iCOS Live – so they won’t appear instantaneously.
- For data flowing back from iCOS, at the moment we’re monitoring for delivery complete events, with optional POD information.
- If a delivery is completed, Consignly will tell you who completed it, who signed for it, and store a copy of the signature in the Consignment POD tab.
- At the same time the consignment will automatically move into the Complete status.
Every time updates are triggered and sent to iCOS Live they will overwrite the existing data there i.e. if you make a change to something in iCOS that Consignly has been configured to update the change may be overwritten!
Setting up the App Connection
To get started, you’ll need to contact iCOS Live via and:
Request that the integration for Consignly be turned on.
Provide them information about who you are so they know which iCOS Live account to activate.
Request the Carrier Code for your account (i.e. 121771)
Request the EDI Recipient Code for your iCOS Live installation (i.e. ABC Carriers)
Consignly Setup
Once you have the requested information from iCOS Live you can start the setup for the App Connection in Consignly.
To begin login, in the side menu select Apps > Manage Apps > Add App > iCOS LIVE > Create Connection.
- The Carrier Code will be the number provided by iCOS Live.
- The EDI Recipient will be a code provided by iCOS Live.
- The Default Commodity is a text value that will go out on all goods lines sent through to iCOS Live. See Commodity mapping to iCOS Live in Consignly to configure this.
- Next you identify triggers for the events when you want to export consignment information to iCOS Live.
Triggers are created to allow Consignly to know when the consignment should be exported to iCOS Live. The triggers are defined by combining a matrix of 4 attributes - consignment status, type, client and carrier.
When a consignment has type, client and carrier matching a trigger, entering a status in the matrix will trigger the export.- Triggers can be set for Outwards, Inwards and Point to Point Consignments.
- Next you choose which Carriers and the associated Consignment Types you want Consignly to monitor for the App Connection.
- You may have more than one Carrier configured in a Connection.
- Next, you tell Consignly which Clients you want to monitor. And as part of that you must tell the configuration what the corresponding Account Number in iCOS Live is – so that Consignly can send it to the right account.
In the example iCOS Live screen below, the Account Number is the number circled at the bottom-right.

- Again, you may monitor more than one client for each configuration.
- Lastly, you need to match the Consignly Container Types to the associated container in iCOS Live.
- Clicking Create Connection will set up the integration appropriately.
Please contact iCOS Live once an integration is established and a consignment has been triggered. iCOS Live will configure some validation and review the consignment data before enabling the integration completely.