Connecting to GoFreight allows Consignly users to automatically export Outwards Consignments to GoFreight.
To establish a connection, add the app into Consignly.
Consignly requires a GoFreight API key in order to connect. You can request a GoFreight API key by contacting MOGO Labs directly.
After you have authorised with GoFreight, you will be able to configure your GoFreight connection.
Enter your GoFreight API key to connect Consignly to GoFreight
Configuring GoFreight
For an Outwards consignment to export to GoFreight, it needs to meet 3 qualifying criteria:
- The Carrier Partner on the consignment needs to be activated in the Carriers configuration and optionally mapped to a GoFreight carrier; and
- The Client Partner on the consignment needs to be activated in the Clients configuration, and mapped to a corresponding GoFreight client;
- The Warehouse on the consignment needs to be activated in the Warehouses configuration, and mapped to a corresponding GoFreight site.
The information below explains how to activate and configure each of the Consignly parties to GoFreight parties.
Export Product
When pushing Outwards consignments from Consignly to GoFreight, the GoFreight order needs a product attached to it.
To set this product, choose the GoFreight Product from the dropdown list in the Export Product card.
An illustration of the Product selection configuration
Export Triggers
The Export Triggers card allows you to define which statuses cause an export of consignment data from Consignly to GoFreight.
Checking a box in this card will mean that qualifying consignments will export to GoFreight when the consignment moves into this status.
In this example, Consignly will trigger a GoFreight export when a consignment moves into a Ready to Dispatch status (providing the consignment qualifies to be exported)
Carrier Mapping
The Carrier Mapping card defines which carriers will form part of the qualifying test for a consignment.
To activate a Carrier Partner, check the box next to the Carrier in the Carrier configuration. You may optionally choose to map the Consignly Carrier to a GoFreight Carrier. If a mapping is provided then the order will have this Carrier assigned when the consignment is pushed to GoFreight.
You may also choose to qualify a consignment that has no Carrier assigned in Consignly. If you check the No carrier assigned checkbox, then any Outwards consignments in Consignly that have no Carrier will also qualify to be exported to GoFreight. You may also optionally map consignments that have no Carrier to use a specific Carrier in GoFreight. If you do this, any consignments with no Carrier in Consignly will be exported to GoFreight with the selected GoFreight carrier.
An example of Carrier activation and configuration in Consignly.
Client Mapping
The Client Mapping card defines which Clients will form part of the qualifying test for a consignment.
To activate a Client Partner, check the box next to the Client in the Client configuration. After activating a Client you must map that Client to a Client in GoFreight.
To do this, drop down the GoFreight Client dropdown, and choose the appropriate Client from the list.
An example of Client activation and configuration in Consignly
Warehouse Mapping
The Warehouse Mapping card defines which Warehouses will form part of the qualifying test for a consignment.
To activate a Warehouse, check the box next to the Warehouse in the Warehouse configuration. After activating a Warehouse you must map that Warehouse to a Site in GoFreight.
To do this, drop down the GoFreight Site dropdown, and choose the appropriate Site from the list.
An example of Warehouse activation and mapping in Consignly