One of the important parts of an integration between Consignly and iCOS Live is getting the commodity mapping correct.
Many customers using iCOS Live will create transport rates based on the commodity that is being transported, and so ensuring that Commodity information is being pushed from Consignly to iCOS Live helps ease this process.
Commodities in iCOS Live are used in two scenarios:
Container Bookings
In this scenario, the container booking gets allocated a Commodity. Many customers will define Commodities in iCOS Live to represent the size of the container being transported.
Freight Bookings
In this scenario, the individual products being transported are assigned a Commodity at the product line level. Commodities in this sense tend to represent the type of product such as pallets, drums, barrels etc.
Where can I describe commodities in Consignly?
In Consignly, a Product can have a commodity entered against it. When typing a commodity against a product, a list of previously entered commodities matching your text will be displayed, so you can pick from the list.
Commodities can also be mapped for container sizes. This is completed in the iCOS Live App Configuration.
To configure your iCOS Live commodities for containers, visit Apps feature in Consignly and navigate to the iCOS Live app.
Edit your subscription and scroll down to the Container Sizes card.
Next to each container size in Consignly, optionally enter the appropriate Commodity value that you’d like to push through to iCOS Live when the integration triggers.
You’ll notice that as you type in the commodity text box that Consignly will suggest previously entered commodities that match the text you’ve entered.
Container overrides per client
The commodity values you enter against container sizes act as defaults, however you may use slightly different commodities in iCOS Live depending on the client that you’re transporting for.
In this case, you may configure Container Size Overrides in Consignly to support different mappings for containers for individual Client Partners.
These overrides will take precedence, meaning that if supplied then they’ll be used. If they’re not supplied, then the container commodity mapping will be used. If container commodity mapping is not supplied, then the default will be used.
Seeing the results in iCOS Live
After the consignments have been transported to iCOS live, you’ll see the commodity information mapped appropriately.
For a freight booking, you’ll note the commodity information that is linked to each product appears in the docket on the line item next to the product.
For a container booking, you’ll note the commodity data appearing in the iCOS Live docket.