To work with Consignly, users need to be invited into your organisation. As an organisation owner, visit the Organisation menu item, and choose Users.
Organisation Users vs Client Partner Users
Users that you want to work with Consignly that belong to your organisation, can be invited to use Consignly. These users might perform in-organisation functions such as creating Inwards or Outwards consignments, managing the warehouse, or billing Client Partners.
Your Client Partners can be invited to Consignly, also. Client Partner users are assigned to a Client Partner, and after logging in and accepting an invitation, they are able to see information for their assigned Client Partner only.
This allows your Client Partners to view consignments, run reports, and make enquiries directly within Consignly.
Invite a user
Start by pressing the add button.
Enter the name of the user, and their email address. The email address is where the invitation to Consignly will be delivered.
Choose a Role for the user. Roles are sets of permissions that determine what the user has access to within Consignly. Organisation Owners can manage roles, creating and modifying them to suit the different types of work being completed within Consignly.
If your organisation has been configured with a domain, then Consignly will prompt you when inviting a user outside that domain to confirm you are inviting the correct user.
Consignly prompts you if the user being invited is outside your domain
Action menu
Once a user is invited, you can complete various actions on that user, such as:
- Resending the invite
- Deactivating an active user
- You can make the user an owner of the organisation account
- You can remove the user