Consignments are created and managed in the Consignments menu.
To create a new consignment click this will give you the option to create an Outwards, Inwards or Point to Point consignment.
Select Inwards Consignment.
You can now enter the consignment details beginning with the client. When you enter this field you will be presented with a list of recent Client Partners to select from, you can also start typing their name to refine the options.
Provide a reference number and the date entered - this will default as today's date and you change this with the calendar if required.
Next, enter the expected arrival date. Under 'Route', you can select your carrier and carrier reference if it is applicable.
Select the route for this inwards consignment, clicking in the Origin field will provide you with a list of origin addresses for this Client Partner.
Select your warehouse address in the destination field. You can now see a map of the inwards consignment route.
Container / Shipping information, such as vessel and voyage can be entered in the Container / Shipping card. If this consignment has a container, you may enter the container information. You can complete the receive and return dates for the container once these have taken place.
You can also set a container yard and delivery reference if appropriate.
This information helps feed dashboard widgets that show you containers due soon, as well as containers that might be close to or are currently in detention.
When you are happy with the details click Create Consignment. You can now add the product details you are expecting to receive in this inwards consignment.
Your consignment has now been created.
You can now add the product details you are expecting to receive in this inwards consignment.
An example of a new Inwards consignment being created
Adding Products
The Products card will default to Edit mode, allowing you to enter products for this client partner.
Enter the Quantity. You can also enter a batch number, expiry and attributes if available and required.
Volume and weight will be calculated automatically based on what Consignly already knows about the product - you can update these fields if necessary.
An example of the Edit Product view on an inwards consignment
An example of the Serial Numbers view for a product on an inwards consignment
You can enter additional products by pressing the Add Product button. You can press the action menu icon at the end of the row and choose to Copy Product to duplicate the row.
Copy a product line by exposing the menu item from the action menu
When you have entered details for the product, choose Save Changes.