The Details tab in the Partner is where you will find all relevant financial information.
The Financial Settings card shows you the current settings you have configured for the Partner.
The Financial Settings card for a Partner
Financial settings store the following configuration:
- Schedule Grouping
- Defines how transactions in a schedule will be grouped for display
- Default Tax Rate
- Selectable from the Tax Rates configured for the Organisation
- Default Revenue Account
- Selectable from the Revenue Accounts configured for the Organisation
- Default Cost Centre
- Selectable from the Cost Centres configured for the Organisation
- Auto-calculate Charges on Consignment Close
- When turned on, Consignly will default the consignment's auto-calculate charges flag in the Charges tab to on.
These defaults can be used when creating Partner rates and accompanying transactions. Learn more about Cost Centres and Revenue Accounts in the Accounting Card on Rates.