Freight Rates are used to capture charges for Freight on a consignment. Freight can be incurred or charged. Freight Rates recorded against a Carrier Partner will be used to resolve charges incurred, and Freight Rates recorded against a Client Partner will be used to resolve charges raised to the client.
Charges are resolved by looking at the metrics on the consignment or the product lines on a consignment, and inspecting the Freight Rates in the appropriate Rate Card for each Partner involved in the consignment.
Product Unit Conversions may impact consignment metrics and can also be used in Rate Card charges.
Working with Freight Rates
Visit the Rate Cards for the Partner and navigate into the Freight tab.
Create a new rate by choosing the Add Metric Rate or Add Product Rate button.
Learn more about creating rates for a Rate Card.
An example of the Freight Rates tab on a Rate Card for a Client Partner