A rate inside a rate card represents a specific type of charge you are intending to raise.
A rate card can have many rates created for it, and within each rate, a series of charges can be created and ordered.
Using the image below, the light green, orange, and purple areas illustrate different rates that have been created, whilst the darker green and orange areas represent charges within a rate.
The Admin fee rate has a single charge, whilst the Handling rate has two charges defined. The charges for the purple rate are off screen.
An example of a rate card with several rates and charges
Charges in a rate are evaluated in order, and the first charge that matches all the properties configured will be used to raise a charge.
If the charge can't be matched, or if there are uncharged things left over, then Consignly will fall any remaining items through to the next charge in the rate, until there is nothing remaining to charge or until all charges in the rate have been evaluated.
As each rate and their series of charges will be evaluated in this way, it is important to ensure that if your rate contains multiple charges, that the charges are ordered appropriately.
Re-ordering charges in a rate
As mentioned earlier, charges in a rate should be ordered appropriately to sure the most important charge is evaluated first.
If charges in a rate need re-ordering, tap the Reorder button on the rate. You'll be presented with a new blade to re-order the charges. Simply drag and drop the charge to arrange the charges in the appropriate order.
Use the Save Changes button to save the new order of the charges.
Re-order charges by dragging and dropping