Consignly offers multiple tools which can give an idea of your warehouse Storage Utilisation. To get an idea of your warehouse utilisation, you must begin by having warehouse locations and each locations capacity set up. Each location has a Virtual Pallet Capacity. This will indicate how many Virtual Pallets will fit into each location. You must also have unit conversions set up to indicate what quantity makes up a Virtual Pallet for each Product - See Product Unit Conversions
Dashboard Widgets
Once these details have been defined, you can get an idea of your warehouse utilisation through setting up the storage utilisation widget on the Consignly Dashboard. This widget can be configured to reflect Storage Utilisation of one warehouse, or across your entire organisation. The widget may also be configured to calculate the storage utilisation through locations occupied or virtual pallet capacity. You may also create multiple versions of the same widget.
The Storage Utilization widget configured to display utilisation by Locations Occupied
The Location Status report will tell you how many of your locations within a warehouse are occupied. The report can be configured to display locations occupied for a singular warehouse, or the entire organisation.
The Location Status report.