To test rates in a rate card, it's a good idea to set up a new client partner within your organisation to be used as a 'test' partner. Creating and using a test partner allows you to test out your rate set up without impacting any real client partners.
Begin by creating a new client partner. Ensure you name this client partner with 'Test' or another term in its name to differentiate it from your other client partners. You can then set up and run a new rate card for the test client partner.
There are 3 types of rates:
Since activity rates are all linked to consignment activity, you will need to create consignments for your test client partner in order to test out the rate card.
This means you will need to create products for the test client partner to add to these consignments.
To test activity charges, you must click 'Calculate All' in the charges card within the consignment screen.
Once you have tested your rate card set up and are ready to apply the rate card to a real client, you can copy the test rate card over to the real client, set the date from when you want it to run from, then activate the rate card.