Organisations may wish to pick products for a collection of orders in once journey around the warehouse.
In Consignly, this type of pick is called a Wave Pick.
There are two types of Wave Pick jobs, Bulk Picking and Parallel Picking.
Learn more about wave styles.
Getting started
To create a wave pick job, navigate to the Jobs menu item in the web portal's sidebar.
From the jobs index, choose the button to create a new Wave Pick job.
Using the New Job blade, fill out details of the Wave Pick job including the:
- Warehouse
- Due Date and Time
- Priority; and optional
- Reference and
- Description.
The new job blade to create a Wave Pick
Adding Consignments
After the wave pick job has been created, consignments will need to be added to the job.
By adding consignments to the job, Consignly will be able to direct the picker around the warehouse to collect the items for all of these consignments in one journey.
The filters at the top of the Add Consignments dialog provide a mechanism to find specific consignments to add.
The add consignments dialog for a Wave Pick job
Removing Consignments
If a consignment has been added to a Wave Pick job in error, the action menu at the end of the consignment record supports removing a consignment from a wave.
The remove consignment process in a Wave Pick job
Updating the Status of a Wave
A Wave Pick job has a number of statuses that the job will transition through during its lifetime.
The statuses within a Wave Pick job.
Draft jobs
Jobs are initially created in a draft state. This allows consignments and other things to be added to the job before it's actioned by another team member.
Ready to start
When a wave pick job is ready to start, it may be manually moved into this status.
At this point, the Wave Pick job will appear on the Warehouse App for picking by a warehouse team member.
At this point, a user may choose to start the job. A job can be started from the web portal, or the Warehouse app.
If there are consignments in a pending status, Consignly will prompt you to update the status to Ready to Pick.
The start job confirmation dialog for a Wave Pick job
In progress
After a job is started, the status is automatically moved to In Progress. This indicates the wave is being picked.
Learn how to perform a wave pick for both Parallel Picking and Bulk Picking wave pick styles.
Completing a job
When a job has been completed, you are indicating to Consignly that all items that can be picked have been picked and packed.
Moving the status to Complete will prompt you to update all of the wave's consignment's statuses to Ready to Dispatch.
The complete job confirmation dialog
Bulk Update Statuses
At any point, you may update the statuses of consignments in a Wave Pick job to a particular status.
You can do this by opening the action menu in the Consignments header, and choosing the status you wish to update the consignments to.
Choose to update consignments to Ready to Pick or Ready to Dispatch in bulk.
Printing Labels
To print the labels for each of the consignments in the wave, choose the Consignment Labels PDF option from the action menu.
This will download a PDF file of labels to print for your consignments.
Cancelling a Job
If a Wave Pick job needs to be cancelled, choose the Cancel Job item from the action menu in the header of the Wave Pick Job.
When a wave pick job is cancelled, any consignments that formed part of the wave are now surfaced up in the Warehouse App to pick individually instead of as part of a wave.
The cancel job menu item
Wave History
A history of events that have happened on the wave is surfaced up in the Wave History tab on the Wave Pick job.
The history screen of a Wave Pick job