This is all based upon the timing of inventory coming in and out of your warehouse. As you Pick and Receive inventory, Consignly will keep a running balance across the day. The maximum at any time of the day will be used for this Inventory Count Method.
The orange line illustrates how the inventory movements will affect the storage count.
Part Thereof
This method is used to find the gross count of all inventory that has existed in store for the day (even if it has come in and gone straight back out again). This method can be used when you are trying to calculate a rate such as $x per day or part thereof.
For this method, Consignly starts the day with the actual physical opening balance. Then, as inventory arrives, it is added to the count.
Note that all inventory leaving the warehouse is ignored throughout the day.
Once the day is completed, Consignly records the count and only after this are the outwards inventory movements calculated so that a starting balance can be resolved for the following morning.
The blue line illustrates how the inventory movements will affect the storage count, with the opening balance resetting each day.
Cumulative Part Thereof
This method is similar to the above however is designed to work across a period, such as a week.
The effect is to be able to implement a rate such as $x per (week, fortnight, month, etc) or part thereof.
For this method, Consignly starts the period with the actual physical opening balance. Then, as inventory arrives, it is added to the count. Consignly will not reset the opening balance each day when using this charge method.
The purple line illustrates how the inventory movements will affect the storage count, in this case the balance continues to increase over the period.