Client Partner addresses are used in the Route section of consignments. Client Partners can have Origin addresses and Consignee addresses.
Origin addresses
An Origin address in Consignly is a record of where this Client Partner's products may come from. Create an Origin address which will be used as the origin for Inwards consignments. Do this by selecting the Create Address button and entering the details of the address.
An origin address list with a single address
Creating an address
When creating an address, first enter the Name of the Address. You can also enter a Code, Email Address and Phone Number.
The address Code field can be used to store a unique identifier that maps to a corresponding address used in another system such as a TMS (Transport Management System).
Use the Search Address field to find an address using Google Maps. Begin typing an address and matches will be suggested to you.
Choosing an address will automatically fill out the rest of the address information. Add any missing details to the address record and choose Create Address.
Start typing an address to have Google Maps suggest matches.
If you cannot find a matching address when searching for it, you can enter an address manually. In Consignly, all addresses need a map reference, so after entering the details manually you'll need to choose the location of the address on a map.
Map references are required to support Freight rating in Consignly.
To pick a location from a map reference, choose the Pin icon at the end of the Search Address field.
Choose the Pin icon to pick a location from a map
After pressing the Pin icon, a map dialog will appear. Navigate the map and click or tap a location to set the map reference for the address.
Set the map reference by clicking or tapping the map
Consignees are destinations where products are dispatched to. A Consignee may have multiple addresses assigned.
To create a Consignee choose the Create Consignee button.
Similarly to Origin addresses, enter the address details by searching an address or manually entering an address and selecting a map reference.
To create further addresses for a Consignee, select the consignee and choose the Addresses tab. Create an address by choosing the Create Address button.
Fill out additional address information in the same way and press Save Changes to save the address.
Consignees with more than one address will show an address count in the list page.
Consignee detail showing a consignee with more than one address