After creating a Carrier Partner, you will be taken to the Partner Details view.
The details view shows two cards, General and Custom Units.
General card
The General card provides the Name and Code of the Carrier Partner, as well as the current logo you have attached to the Carrier Partner.
To change any of these details choose the Edit Details button.
The card will move into edit mode, and you'll be able to update the Name and Code.
At any point you may select the Remove Logo button to remove the logo.
When there is no logo, you may upload a new one by choosing the upload logo button.
Browse a file on your computer, making sure you have obtained the necessary permissions to use the logo.
Custom Units
If the Carrier Partner moves Product of a unit that is not one of the standard Consignly-supported units, then you can create a Custom Unit for the Carrier Partner.
Custom Units that have been created for the Partner already will appear in the list. By default, Active units are shown. You may change the Status filter of the custom unit list to see other Unit Types that may have been deactivated previously.
A list of custom units created for a Carrier Partner
Creating a Unit Type
Select the Create Unit Type button to create a new unit type. Enter the name of the unit type.
Once you have created a Unit Type, you are free to use it in Rate definitions used to raise charges by Carrier Partners.
Create a new Unit Type
Deactivating or Removing a Unit Type
You may deactivate a Unit Type at any point by selecting the Unit Type, and then selecting Deactivate from the action menu in the shoulder. Deactivated Unit Types may not be used in any new rates.
If you wish to permanently remove a Unit Type, you can do so from the same action menu, however you can only remove a Unit Type if it is not in use anywhere else.
Deactivate or remove a Unit Type