To ensure the accuracy of inventory, organisations may wish to complete cycle counts on inventory periodically.
The Cycle Count feature in Consignly supports this.
How does it work?
Consignly supports ad-hoc cycle counts using the Warehouse app.
A location can be scanned or searched, and for each product in that location a user can enter a count of the items in that location.
A variance report may be run afterwards to highlight any variances in counted vs expected inventory, so that an inventory controller may investigate further.
Getting started
To get started, choose the Cycle Count item from the sidebar menu in the Warehouse app.
The Cycle Count menu in the Warehouse App
Next, scan or search a location to count.
Showing the products available to count in this location
Scan or tap product to count. The app will provide input fields that your warehouse team can use to enter the count.
Note that the app will not indicate the quantities that should be there, it only allows counted quantities to be submitted.
Capturing the item count in the Warehouse App
Lastly, choose Submit Count to capture the count.
What is recorded?
At the time of counting the inventory, information about who completed the cycle count, what the expected quantity was, what the submitted count was, and a variance between the two is captured.
How do I run a variance report?
Visit the Reports menu in the Consignly web portal. From here, look for the Cycle Count Report.
Run the report with the appropriate date range selected, as well as any optional filters such as Client Partner or Warehouse.
You may optionally choose to only show records with a variance, or to show all Cycle Count records for the period (this is the default).
You may run the report to the screen or Export the report to Excel.
Results of a cycle count report showing a variance at once location
How do I apply adjustments?
After investigating the variances, an inventory adjustment may be required.