After picking all the product from the warehouse, the consignment can move into the next Status: Ready to Dispatch.
This status indicates that the consignment is ready to dispatch. This may mean it gets added to a truck for delivery, or the customer may come to pick it up.
When the consignment has been placed on a truck for delivery and has left the warehouse, move the consignment into the next Status: In Transit.
Following delivery of the consignment, the consignment can move into its penultimate Status: Complete.
Completing the consignment can be achieved by choosing the Complete status.
At this point, Consignly will inspect the products picked and determine whether the products have been under- or over-picked.
If the Outwards consignment hasn't been 100% picked, then Consignly will display a prompt explaining that the Consignment Metrics will be updated to reflect what was actually received.
This is important, as consignment Charges are based on Consignment Metrics, and so the metrics need to reflect what actually happened in order to resolve the correct charges.
An example dialog indicating metrics will be updated.
Dangerous Goods
If your consignment contains product that are defined as Dangerous Goods, then the Action Menu will allow you to download a DG Declaration PDF.
Select the option from the Action Menu, and Consignly will download the a PDF containing DG Declaration forms for each of the products.
DG Declaration PDF option in the action menu for outwards consignments
The forms will have all necessary information entered (where available), and will use the picked quantities (rather than the originally entered quantities) on the documentation.
Example of a DG Declaration form