The Consignment index lists consignments that have been created in Consignly.
This view can be customised to display specific fields of information, making it easier for each user to see the details most relevant to their role. Users have the choice of viewing the screen in either an expanded or compact view to fit their preference.
To customise the consignment screen, select the Expand or Compact icon, located in the right-hand side of the Consignments heading.
The Expand and Compact icons
Next, select Layout Settings. This will open the layout settings card, which contains the list of the fields to display.
The Layout Settings blade for Compact Mode
To change the mode which you are editing, select the Size drop down. This will give you the choice to select Compact or Expanded. Select the fields to display which you would like surfaced by selecting the checkbox on the left-hand side, then select Save Changes. The consignment screen will now display the custom fields you have selected.
The Compact Mode Consignment Screen with Selected Fields