Each consignment has a journey that it travels to the final destination, and in Consignly this is the Route.
The Route a consignment takes is important for a number of reasons but primary the route enables Consignly to determine which localities the destination sits within and therefore which freight rates apply for the journey.
Additional shipping information also forms part of this card, and holds information about the container, size and other shipping data.
How do Routes work?
Routes are established during creation of a consignment when you need to enter an Origin and Destination Address.
For Inwards consignments, the Origin address will be where the goods are coming from (perhaps the Client Partner's manufacturing plant, or the local port if it is a container). The Destination address will be the warehouse where you intend to store the goods.
For Outwards consignments, the Origin address will be the warehouse you're picking goods from. The Destination address will be the Consignee that is receiving them.
The route information in a consignment
You can also optionally select a Carrier for the Consignment which will be used to resolve freight rates when transporting with that carrier.
Changing the route
If you have permissions, you can edit the route for a consignment. For Inwards consignments, you can change the Origin address at any point. You can only change the Destination address (the warehouse) if you haven't added any product lines to the consignment yet. As soon as product is added, that product is used in reports for that warehouse.
For outwards consignments, you can change the Destination address at any point (Consignee). The Origin address (the warehouse) may only be changed if there are no products added to the consignment yet.
Container / Shipping information
The shipping data in the container / shipping card supports storing information about the vessel and voyage the consignment relates to. If a container is involved, then the size and type of container associated with this consignment can be recorded, along with other relevant information.
The container / shipping card on a consignment
The date the container was received and the date the container was returned may be entered. For a Client Partner, Freight Settings can hold a Container Due Threshold. This threshold indicates when demurrage charges may be incurred for holding a container.
The Dashboard can be configured to show a widget of containers that are due to reach their threshold date to help you keep track of container returns.
Container Yard
Setting a container yard adds a third leg to the route. If the consignment is Inwards, then the container yard indicates the container return destination. If the consignment is Outwards, then the container yard indicates the yard to pick up the empty container from to load and send it on it's way.