When charges are calculated on a consignment, they appear in the Charges tab.
If the Client Partner's financial settings default the auto-calculate charges on consignment close to on, then the Charges card at the top of the blade will show this switched on.
Toggle the switch to turn the auto-calculate feature on and off.
If the switch is turned on, then when the consignment is moved into a closed status, the consignment charges will be automatically calculated without the user having to calculate them intentionally.
The auto-close consignment dialog
Categories of charges
Charges are listed by charge type.
- Freight Incurred
- Freight Charged
- Activity Charges
Charges that have been created on a consignment
Calculating Charges
The Calculate All button in the first card of the tab will calculate all the charges for the consignment based on the current consignment Metrics. Any charges that already exist will be recalculated after pressing this button.
Each section also has a Calculate button. Choosing this button will calculate charges for that section only.
Include Charges
Each resolved charge has a toggle to allow the user to include the charge or not. Charges that are toggled off will not have transactions raised against the Client Partner when the consignment is closed.
Ad-hoc Charges
Ad-hoc charges can be created on a consignment by choosing the Ad-Hoc button in the section that you want to raise a charge for.