The Connections tab shows any App Connections or Consignly Connections in your organisation that are linked to the consignment.
An App will appear in the App Connections card in this tab if it was involved in generating the consignment into Consignly, or if there is a configuration that will trigger a connected App to perform some data integration under certain consignment conditions.
A consignment with several connected apps
Connected apps usually trigger based on a consignment's status. If the consignment will trigger an integration when it moves into a status, a lightning bolt icon will appear next to the status to indicate an automated trigger is present at that status.
The number next to the lightning bolt indicates how many triggers will fire when the consignment moves into that status.
App configuration and triggers
Triggers may fire once at a status, or depending on the configuration setup of the app, may trigger many times as the consignment is updated whilst at a status containing a trigger.
Connected App Information
Each connected app is listed in the Connections tab. The Action Menu next to each line item may expose further details, such as being able to navigate directly to the record in the integrating system.
There is a status on each record that explains the status of the app integration. Apps that haven't been triggered yet will show a label Awaiting Trigger. Apps that have triggered will show either a Successful label or a Failed label if there was some sort of failure.
The last time the integration triggered will also be shown.