Warehouses can be found under the Organisation section of the sidebar menu.
This area is where you will find information about your warehouse(s). Including contact details, real time information about the products that are stored there, your warehouse locations and any information about product batches that are in quarantine.
Creating a warehouse
To add a new warehouse in Consignly, tap .
First, you need to give your warehouse an easily identifiable name. For example 'Metro Warehouse'. Input the details about your warehouse including a code, phone number and main contact details.
Defining the warehouse address
To identify the address of your warehouse , begin typing in the address and Consignly will begin offering address options including those that are closest to you. If you are unable to locate your address you can manually pinpoint it by clicking the locator here and selecting a point on the map. Once you have selected your warehouse address, click Create Warehouse.
GS1 Configuration
If your warehouse is going to be printing SSCC labels for pallets based on GS1 configuration for a Client Partner, then you need to ensure you set the warehouse as belonging to the correct GS1 Member Organisation.
A Client Partner may have GS1 configuration for different member organisations and so you will need to apply the organisation to the warehouse so that Consignly can know which SSCC label codes to consume for the Client when creating labels.
GS1 Member Organisation selection within the Warehouse setup in Consignly