When your warehouse has been created you may wish to add locations for specific goods or activities. You can do this in the locations tab.
By default warehouses are configured to use bulk storage. You can add locations one at a time by clicking the Create Location button and choosing Single Location.
The Create Location button options in Consignly
Create a new location by selecting the location type, if you are creating a Picking Location you will need to specify the row, bay, level, space, and a barcode if applicable.
You can also create a bulk storage location. Enter a name and enter a barcode if it applies. For example, "Bulk Goods Area 1".
Generate Locations
Alternatively, if you have multiple picking locations to add, Consignly makes it easy to add these in bulk using the Multiple Locations option from the Create Location button.
To start, enter the racking dimensions by typing the row label, number of bays, levels and spaces you would like to add. Add as many rows as you would like.
If your organisation supports Zone Management, then Consignly will also present a Zone drop down, allowing you to specify the Zone for the locations you are about to create.
An example of two row configurations being added, one with a corresponding zone.
The next step is to Preview Locations. Tap on this step to see a summary of all the locations Consignly will attempt to generate. Consignly will indicate whether the locations are duplicated (and skip them if so) or are able to be successfully created.
The preview screen allows you to remove any rows where you may have changed your mind about creating those locations.
You can use the tool multiple times to create more than 10,000 locations for a row.
When you are happy, you can choose the Generate Locations button and Consignly will create the locations for you.
Summary of locations to generate, illustrating some duplicate locations that will be ignored
An example to illustrate the Consignly pallet racking numbering system.
Advanced mode
Consignly supports advanced location creation via the Advanced Mode checkbox.
Activating advanced mode will surface up Seed and Step values for each of the count/level/space values.
This allows you more fine-grained approaches to generating locations, allowing you to label and zone your racking in particular ways.
Seed indicates the start number for a value, and Step indicates the gap between subsequent numbers.
For example, to create an AA location with 5 bays, where the first bay starts at 100, and each subsequent bay increments by 10, you would enter a Seed value of 100 and a Step value of 10.
The result would be locations AA-100-1-1, AA-110-1-1, AA-120-1-1, AA-130-1-1, AA-140-1-1.
Location configuration with different Seed and Step values
Preview of the locations that will be created, note the bay numbers are generated with a gap between the numbering
Zoning different parts of the same row of racking
If you have a row where half of it belongs to one zone, and half to another, for example, advanced mode can be used to describe the row and it's zone configuration.
Suppose you wanted every second bay to be zoned differently in order to have a gap between certain types of product. Then you could use the advanced mode to define your row appropriately.
Location configuration supporting different seed values
Location preview, note the different zones being staggered due to different seed values
Location virtual pallet capacity for utilisation planning
Editing a location allows you to define the number of virtual pallets (pallet equivalent) that can be stored at that location for reporting purposes.
The virtual pallet capacity field visible at the bottom of the edit location blade
When using the Storage Utilisation dashboard widget, you can choose to report on locations occupied, or on virtual pallet capacity. If you choose virtual pallet capacity, Consignly will calculate the virtual pallet capacity of products stored at a location, and compare it to the virtual pallet capacity defined for that location.
The storage utilisation widget configuration, showing the choice between locations occupied or virtual pallet capacity